Saturday, June 27, 2009

Keep Michael Jackson in Mind with Wallpapers

Pop legend Michael Jackson has died in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009, aged 50.Although he has left, his contribution to the amusement circles is inestimable and his songs, his dancing and his images will keep alive in the heart of the people in the world. Here are some wallpapers of Michael Jackson, let’s keep him in our memory with such special ways:

Didn’t these wallpapers remind you of your own Michael Jackson’s memories? Why not share with you it with your friends? You can also compose a Powerpoint about him in your memory to express your yearning for him with such wallpapers, furthermore, you can even convert your Powerpoint to flash with Moyea PPT4Web Converter , so that you can upload to the video websites, to share your recall of him with his fans all over the world.
He has gone, but his images will always be left in our mind.


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Top Michael Jackson Jokes

According to Web Usage Associates (and Public Notary), the following ten Michael Jackson Jokes are the most popular with Americans.
Q: What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?A: One is white, made out of plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with and the other you carry your groceries in.
Q: How can you tell if Michael Jackson has a hot date?A: There’s a big wheel parked outside his house.
Q: Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year olds?A: Because there are twenty of them.
Q: Who does Michael Jackson consider a Perfect “10″?A: Two 5 year olds.
Q: How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?A: From a catalogue.
Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men??A: He thought it was a delivery service.
Q: What has 18 balls and 3 pubic hairs?A: A Michael Jackson slumber party.
Q: Did you know they’re putting out a Michael Jackson stamp?A: Fans get to vote for the white or black Michael Jackson.
Q: What’s brown and often found in a baby’s diaper?A: Michael Jackson’s hand.
Prince Michael Jackson, Jr. (Michael Jackson’s son)– you know in a few years they’ll probably change his name to: The Child Formerly Known as Michael Jackson’s Baby.


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Short Michael Jackson Jokes and One Liners

Q. Hear about Michael Jackson's new hit single? A. The boy in jeans is not my lover.
Q. What's the difference between Mr. Potato Head and Michael Jackson? A. Michael Jackson has had more noses.
Q. Have you heard about Michael Jackson's New Book? A. The In's and Out's of Child Rearing
Q. What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag? A. One is white, made out of plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with and the other you carry your groceries in.
Q. Why was Michael Jackson spotted at K-Mart? A. He heard boy's pants were half-off.
Q. What's brown and in a baby's diaper? A. Michael Jackson's hand.
Q. What did the man on the beach say to Michael Jackson? A. Get out of my sun.
Q. How can you tell if Michael Jackson has company? A. There's a big wheel parked outside his house.
Q. Hear about the duet Michael Jackson sung with George Michael? A. Don't let your son go down on me.
Did Wacko Jacko commit the attack-o? Is he guilty of an illegal fudge pack-o? Cut the man some slack-o. It's evidence we lack-o. Maybe he just squirted lotion on the kid's back-o.
Q. What is black and comes in a little white can? A. Michael Jackson.
Q. What did Michael Jackson say when he got back to Neverland Ranch from drug rehab? A. "You know, I feel like a new boy."
Q. What do Michael Jackson and a jockey have in common? A. They both ride three year olds.
Q. How does Michael Jackson pick his nose? A. From a cataloge.
Q. What does Michael Jackson consider a perfect 10? A. Two 5 year olds.
Q. Why did Michael Jackson cross the road? A. He saw someone blowing bubbles and thought he'd join in.
Q. Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men? A. He thought it was a delivery service.
Q. when is it time for bed at neverland ranch? A. when the big hand touches the little hand


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Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to insert a Movie (or video) into PowerPoint 2003?

Applies to: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 By Mary Feil-Jacobs, Microsoft Presentation Design Specialist

Many PowerPoint presentations include graphics, sounds and PowerPoint's built-in animation. However, effectively adding video clips to a presentation can really make it stand out. This article explains how to use video edit magic to create videos to use in PowerPoint.

Tips for creating good PowerPoint presentations

  • Be sure each slide contributes toward the primary point of your presentation. Shorter presentations are more understandable and more memorable, so if a slide isn't adding something important to the main thrust, either remove it or move it to the background materials.
  • If the PowerPoint show is meant for unattended viewing (the viewer watches it with no speaker present) use voice narration. Video Edit Magic lets you illustrate and discuss concepts using selected images and your own voice.
  • Unique presentations get the attention they deserve, so think of innovative presentation techniques. For example, have a "mascot" cartoon character, doing the actions the presentation talks about, and "saying" some of the text in word balloons. Presentations should reflect your personal (or corporate) style.
  • Graphics and photographs are self explanatory and focus the audience's attention. Illustrating points can let you eliminate many words from the slides, and text-heavy presentations can lose the audience. With Video Edit Magic you can take snaps from video footage, and use the still pictures to illustrate your presentation.
Insert a movie and play it automatically

In PowerPoint 2003, you can run your movies full screen. This is a very excellent feature.

  • On the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, and then click Movie from File.
  • Click the video you want to use and then click OK.

  • Tips: Always put the movie in the same folder as your PowerPoint presentation. If you later move the PowerPoint presentation to another computer, copy the movie too. Keeping your movie in the same folder as your presentation ensures the link will still work. However, you should always test the movie on a new machine just to be certain. Re-insert the movie, if necessary.
  • After you click OK, you' are promoted with a message asking how you want the movie to start in the slide show.
    I recommend choosing Automatically even if you want the movie to play when clicked- I will talk about how to set this part too. (If you choose when clicked you have to click the black box to start the movie. Because I don't like to show the black box on the slide, I do this a little differently.)

    You should now have a small rectangle sitting on your slide.

    Insert a movie using a file on your computer or in another location, such as a server.
    The movie appears as a still frame on your slide.
    The trick I use is to move that rectangle off the slide, so it is sitting next to it, but not on it. You can size it down if you like. Click the movie (that is, the rectangle) and then drag it off the slide.

Play the movie full screen

  • Right-click the movie object (the small rectangle) and on the shortcut menu, click Edit Movie Object.

  • The Movie Options dialog box appears. Under Display Options, select the Zoom to full screen check box, and then click OK.

  • If you want your movie to play automatically when you advance to this slide, you can stop here.
    Test this now to see how it workd by starting the slide show. (On the Slide Show menu, click View Show.) Advance to the slide with the movie, (best if you have the title of the movie on it). Within a couple of seconds, the movie starts to play full screen. When the movie finishes, you return to the same slide (but no unsightly box appears). Click to advance to your next slide.

Add an On Click effect to start the movie

If you prefer, you can click to start the movie. This requires one more step, setting an On Click animation effect.

1. On the Slide Show menu, click Custom Animation. The Custom Animation task pane appears on the right side of the PowerPoint window.

2. Click the movie object (the rectangle) to select it.

3. In the Custom Animation task pane, click Add Effect, point to Entrance and then click Appear.

You have added an On Click effect. The animation effect you added is the one with the Green star next to it and a gray rectangle around it. If it doesn't have a gray rectangle, click it to select it. Your Custom Animation task pane should look like the picture below (except with the name of your movie in the list).

4. The last step is to move that animation up to the top of the effects list.To do this, make sure the animation effect is selected, and then click the Up Re-order arrow at the bottom of the Custom Animation task pane. Or simply click and drag the animation effect to the top of the effects list.

5. Your effects list should now look like this:

6. You are done. Test this to make sure it works by starting the slide show.(On the Slide Show menu, click View Show.) When you advance to the slide with the movie, you should not see the movie. When you click the slide, the movie zooms to full screen and plays. When it finishes playing, you are returned to the same slide. Click to advance to the next slide.


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